The Tales of Catt & Fisher – The Art of the Steal edited by Justina Robson

Scholars, shopkeepers, collectors, aficionados. Obtainers of rare antiquities; relic hunters who can’t resist a lead, even when it takes them into terrible danger. There’s always an opportunity to be found amid the confusion, in the wake of the terrible Kinslayer War. There’s always a deal to be done, a tomb to open, a precious thing to obtain. From encounters with the monstrous Vathesk to exploring new worlds; from wielding great power to do great good, to unearthing dark things best left lost. If you need the experts, if you can find your way to their Cherivell shop, maybe you can hire Doctors Catt and Fisher. Twenty-twenty has been one hell of a year, what with global pandemics and political nonsense all over the place. I’ve been on quite the emotional rollercoaster as it goes. Fortunately, reading has helped enormously to get me through the tougher moments. Being able to escape into a good book offers no small measure of solace. I’ve read some truly wonderful stories in the last twelve months and I’m glad to say my final book of the year rounds things off perfectly; it is an absolute gem. The Tales of Catt & Fisher – The Art…