Inside The Author's Head: Colin F Barnes - The Eloquent Page
Q1. What is your favorite word? Miasma Q2. What is your least favorite word? No Q3. How has social media helped your career? Through it, I have met like-minded writers who I would later go on to collaborate with, reviewers who kindly reviewed my work, fellow-readers who I could talk about books with. Writing can be a lonely profession. Having a world of potential friends at my fingertips has helped me through some very dark times. This in itself has helped remain positive and thus productive. Also, social media has acted like a hive mind for me. At terms when I’ve not been inspired, conversations and silly jokes online with the various people in my network has led me to story ideas, and helped me through barren spells. Q4. What would you say are the downsides to social media in your career? Because of the addictive nature of connecting with people it can be a distraction, and I’m sure the constant notifications, need to check Facebook and Twitter etc, leads to a reduction of attention span. I sometimes finding myself in the middle of a paragraph shifting over to one of the networks to see if there’s been an update;...