Inside the Author's Head: James Barclay - The Eloquent Page
Q1. What is your favorite word? Git – it can be delivered with such force for so brief a word also Defenestrate – because it is brilliant that there is a word for ‘to throw out of a window’ Q2. What is your least favorite word? Nice – because it is utterly, utterly insipid and manages to convey so very little. Q3. How has social media helped your career? Connections to fans, new readers and others working in the genre. It’s about getting people interested in me rather than selling my books direct ( I have sold books because of a twitter chat as opposed to blatant pimping… which actually I always do at publication time). Writing is a solitary business and social media is a good way to keep in touch. Also good in terms of learning about events, industry news and the like. Social media allows me to upset Justin Bieber fans at will. This is not a career development thing, it’s just good fun. Q4. What would you say are the downsides to social media in your career? It is a MASSIVE distraction at times, taking you out of your bubble, destroying concentration and wasting hour upon hour....