Inside The Author’s Head: Marc Nash

July 19, 2013

Q1. What is your favorite word?


Q2. What is your least favorite word?

accommodation (mainly cos I can never spell it properly)

Q3. How has social media helped your career?

no career without it (such as it is). Forced me to come out from under my stone and get the privilege of talking to readers before they buy my book, as they buy it, while they read it and after they’ve finished it. Eat your heart out Evelyn Waugh. But it’s also led me to think creatively in new ways and that’s fed back into my writing – new digital platforms for narrative etc

Q4. What would you say are the downsides to social media in your career? 

None about social media itself (though you have to be careful in how you portray yourself through SM). The issue is more one of having to do nall the marketing & promotion yourself, even if others RT you, it’s still down to you every day and that takes time away from the writing

Q5. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Bass guitarist and lyricist in an art noise band

Q6. What profession would you not like to do?

too many to list

Q7. What is your favorite curse word? 


Q8. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Dawkins was secretly working for me

Thanks Marc. On the interwebs you’ll find Mr Nash here.

Next Time – Sam Strong


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